Long Time Forgotten
So long no update. Is it forgivable?
So very much has happened since my last little update, including this little lady stealing my heart.
Kathy and I are in a low orbit still, and she just turned ten months.
Quick bullet list:
We moved to Upstate South Carolina, just five miles from this bundle of pure joy!
We bought an old farm house and five acres
The remodel (that continues to this very day) began
Brazil hosted BroSummit number 12, cohosts by Felipe Simoes, last fall
The business had its best year yet in twenty three years. 🙏🏼
We began planning our first “Couples Summit”
BroSummit 13 is planned for June 5-8 in a return trip the final frontier, Alaska
Revised and updated Book One - Anthologies, Leadership and Missions is in final edit
I am sure I’m leaving a lot out. Needless to say we’ve been busy, but also good.
But enough about me / us! What’s been happening with you?
And come see us in the foothills of the Smokies!
And prayers appreciated,